How Media Targeting Challenges Creative Teams

Creative Ad Introduction

Creative teams face challenges in producing relevant ads that convert audiences into paying customers. In the past, a “blitz” style campaign was enough to generate a return on investment. However, in 2023 and beyond, ads need to be highly personalized with relevant imagery, copywriting, and design to encourage buying behavior.

So, what’s the problem?

Creating personalized ads at scale is expensive and requires an in-house design team. This becomes cost-prohibitive, leading to generic ads and poor media targeting, which won’t work. Creative teams feel they’re doomed either way, but with new innovative ad tech, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Dynamic creative optimization (DCO) platforms bring big agency scale to anybody.


Dynamic Creative & Media Strategy

DCOs enable small media teams to produce unprecedented volume without the debilitating cost. Using a Google Sheet data set, including images, weather, copywriting variations, locations, size, and more, ads can be versioned and fine-tuned to be highly relevant to the viewer on any medium.

Because each ad isn’t created individually, but through the data feed, so each new unit doesn’t have an incremental cost. By saving money and time, DCOs bring agency-level output to any creative team.

Check out the math:

1 product x 2 images x 3 value props, x 2 incentives x 2 CTAs, x 13 sizes = 312 ad units.

Creating 312 ad units with a traditional agency would take weeks and run up high costs through the workforce and labor that goes into creating many units. But a DCO, like Advanse, works at the template level, paving the way for speed.

Additionally, when you factor in the ever-increasing advertising mediums and social platforms, the ability to customize an ad quickly and inexpensively is a major advantage. With a DCO, your creative team can deliver a robust campaign across Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Google, and more, solving a significant problem that forces companies to choose:

A): More channels = more ad units = more cost

B): Have to eliminate channels to stay within budget

DCOs make it realistic to create ad units for all social platforms and advertising networks, meaning companies don’t have to choose between medium and platform for ad relevancy. In addition, DCOs create value by removing the opportunity cost of not trying specific iterations (which can be costly!).


Using DCO to improve Production Workflow

It’s essential to test a few headlines with a range of offers, using a selection of different images to correspond to different CTA’s. In addition, creative teams must produce content for different audiences in various formats like Facebook programmatic, email, LinkedIn, and other social channels. Eventually, this can lead to time-consuming creative output, slowing delivery and iteration.

Due to time and budget constraints, many brands don’t produce targeted several ad creative versions. As a result, the media team uses generic one-size-fits-all messaging that fails to capture the benefit of their highly targeted media plan. Dynamic creative makes it possible to test virtually unlimited versions of ads.


Using Dynamic Templates & Data Feeds to Fuel Your Production Workflow

Dynamic creative is often thought about as an optimization engine, and it can be, but that’s only part of the story. Dynamic creative is really about scaling production and ad versioning. Because extensive versioning has evolved into additional tasks for teams to manage across all digital channels, dynamic creative technology (DCO) has adapted to meet new design challenges.

The development of DCO allows creative teams to build templates, customize templates to suit your different sizes and dimensions, and then turn your content into a data feed. Dynamic templates powered by data feeds allow you to scale your messaging across all your size formatting channels without worrying about how many versions you need to produce. This means you can have 10,000 versions of an ad unit for the same effort as creating ten versions.


The Business Case:

With more noise than ever before, breaking through is difficult. Media targeting needs to be cross-platform with relevant messaging to make sales consistently. Expensive versioning requirements would make ad creation costly and prohibitive, but DCOs are enabling media teams to compete with personalized ad messaging and variable testing. As a result, DCOs have truly leveled the playing field for advertisers of all sizes to capture valuable customer attention with targeted media.

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