How Modular Design is Giving Rise to Dynamic Creative Ads

The creative ad process is evolving before our eyes. Technology, like Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) platforms, enables data-driven ads that positively impact ROI for marketers. DCOs have unlocked “modular design,” which helps scale the ad creation process by allowing interchangeable dynamic elements. Copy, images, etc., can be swapped through data feeds to make ads more relevant and improve conversions without manual input.

Technology is allowing for results at scale – let’s dive in!


What is Modular Design + DCOs:

Modular design is a methodology for creating display advertisements. It involves creating templates that can be changed based on the purpose of that ad. For example, pre-existing copywriting, images, locations, etc., can be delivered, creating a highly-relevant experience for the consumer.

To successfully deliver a modular design, you need a dynamic creative optimization platform (DCO) that can automatically swap the elements based on the data supplied to the ad. For example, using Google Sheets, advertisers can create thousands of versions of an advertisement with customized features based on the goal of that specific ad unit.

New Technology is fascinating, but how can companies use it to make more money?


Process + Technology Leads to Better Creative. 

Successful campaigns combine process and Technology to produce more effective creative ads. Marketers must match KPIs to the desired business outcomes, usually sign-ups, purchases, demos, etc. Too often, KPIs are randomly selected or borrowed from other companies and aren’t relevant, leading to lackluster outcomes. Without a process for knowing what “success” looks like, even the best Technology can’t help you, so nail that first.

With the proper process and tracking identified, the next step is to select a DCO to help you scale your efforts. Industry-leading DCOs allow companies to create a modular design to scale campaigns with minimal cost. For example, using a data feed (Google Sheets), elements can be swapped out to make ads more personalized and meaningful, making them more effective.

The combination of the correct copy, images, CTAs, etc., at the right time, to the right consumer drives the outsized performance of modular ad campaigns. Likewise, when combined with the proper process and technology, creativity delivers better results for agencies and marketing teams.

But what are the tangible benefits of a DCO and modular design?


Benefits of Modular Design:

As stated earlier, modular ad design helps teams scale creative, but the benefits go far beyond advertising.


Because modular ad design allows thousands of ads to be created, teams receive vast quantities of data very quickly. With more data, couples can make more informed decisions that enhance the iterative process and increase the return on marketing dollars over time. In addition, the quantity and timeliness of data produce measurable results for top and bottom-line numbers.


One of the great benefits of leveraging Technology is cost savings on overhead. For example, in the past, teams needed several designers to mock up different instances of ads. Now, a Google Sheet and working template can be scaled across thousands of ads.

In addition to cost savings is TIME savings – which is even more critical. Using templated and modular ad designs saves thousands of hours of tedious and redundant design work.

Template Library:

As time passes, teams slowly aggregate large libraries of templates that worked (or didn’t) which can be redeployed or slightly modified in future campaigns. This saves time and design costs by having a ready-to-use ad.

All that’s needed is a data feed, and – boom!

Performance Testing:

By unlocking ad creation efficiencies, DCOs opens the door to robust A/B testing. Comparing competing ads is critical to continuous improvement and marking against KPIs. But, manually creating ad versions is difficult and takes time to deploy. Using a modular design, creative A/B testing becomes easy to facilitate comparison campaigns and test dozens of variables.


Key Takeaways

By implementing a modular design strategy, advertisers can scale creative campaigns to deliver positive outcomes from a marketing and economic perspective. By creating thousands of ad versions, teams analyze large data sets to make informed decisions about which ads to invest dollars into.

Now and in the future, competition for consumer attention will only increase, and modular design arms organizations to deliver timely, relevant, and data-driven creatives to encourage conversion.

Gone are the days of high-converting static ads – it’s all about dynamics. If you’re looking for enhanced ROI on display ads, then check out; we’re a leading DCO platform dedicated to scaling design that converts.



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